So I thought I'd try playing around with the design of this blog.
In the process of applying different themes, I lost my list of blogs I read. So in the next few days I will have to re-populate my Daily Readings list.
Today we had a 1st birthday to attend at a buffet restaurant. I woke up hungry and thought it would be great if the kids and I joined DH to the party. The original plan was to cut back on our spending and he would go alone. Often when a party is at a restaurant, the birthday gift is presentation ($$$). So when I woke up morning I was prepared to gift an extra $30 so that the entire family could go. Then I realized that the $30 could be better used for something else, and that the kids and I could make lunch at home. I suspect had we gone, I would have felt guilty afterwards for deviating from the original plan and spending more money than needed.
I've had a sinus headache since yesterday and my body is just aching. Not a great feeling. Today will be a good day to stay in and rest.
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