Friday, January 27, 2012

TGIF! Must stay on track!

I’m so glad that it’s Friday.  Even happier that I opened up my Outlook calendar at work and saw that I only have one meeting to attend today.  The past couple of days, I’ve struggled to get motivated at work.  I’m hoping for a more productive day today.  It would be a great way to end the work week.

I have a couple challenges today.

The office building I work in is connected to our downtown mall and The Bay.  Whenever the guys and I head out for lunch to the mall food court we walk through the Bay, specifically through the Children’s Clothing department.  Since the New Year, the Bay has been marking down merchandise and every now and then I stop to check what the current sale prices are but not making any purchases.  Today, I received an email stating that the Bay has further reductions on their clearance items.  An extra 40% off the lowest-ticketed price!!  Thinking about the current prices I had seen, an additional 40% off would make some items definitely worth purchasing.  When I saw the email I immediately thought of purchasing Christmas gifts for 2012.  Is it too early?  Since I haven’t set aside any money for Christmas shopping should I not even consider making the purchases?  But they’re such great deals!  I’m not sure what to do.  I’m very tempted to still walk over when the store opens to check things out.

I forgot my snacks at home this morning.  I usually bring almonds and some fruit to munch on throughout the work day.  I’ve got a bit of fruit for breakfast, but nothing else for the rest of the day.  Not sure if I can make it through the day without my usual snacks or if I need to head to the market to pick up some almonds and fruit?  Although at the present moment, I feel that the lack of snacks will be a challenge for me today, perhaps I just need to drink more water to make me feel full. hehe

OH and one other thing, a new item to add to my list of things to save for.  I spoke to my friend about her upcoming social and wedding plans and she mentioned that another group of friends have already started thinking about her bachelorette party in Las Vegas!!  The upside?  Since these girls seem so gung-ho about planning the party, there’s nothing for me to do!  The downside?  I need to make sure I have money set aside for this party.  I suspect this party will require at a minimum $500 (for airfare and hotel).  Food, shopping and gambling will require more (of course the latter 2 items aren’t really needed at all, but I threw them in there just in case). 

OH still one more thing to mention.  On the drive into work today, DH mentions that some of his coworkers are thinking of placing a sports bet on next week’s Superbowl game.  He casually adds “Yeah, I’m thinking of joining in on the bet.  It’s only $100”.  Seriously?! A $100 on a football game?  Ha!  I don’t think so.  DH is responsible and he knows that we don’t have $100 to throw away on a sports bet.  Just thinking about it is ridiculous.


  1. It would be nice to stock up on Xmas gifts now. I also have a wedding/bachelorette to attend and have NOT saved up for. But I have a few weeks before I need to buy plane tickets. And I just passed on a $5 office Super Bowl bet. I'd rather keep the $5 :)
